Projection of our faults onto others, the exaggerated demonization of others as irredeemable evil

See recent report on climate by atmospheric physicists Richar Lindzen and William Happer below. “The common assumption that carbon dioxide is “the main driver of climate change” is scientifically false…. All Net Zero Actions Worldwide Should Be Stopped Immediately”.

Sitesplainin qualifier: This site repeatedly appeals to the US situation to illustrate common major issues that are afflicting most Western societies.

Projection, demonization of differing others, Wendell Krossa- Just some musing with other curious explorers of these things.

This is some street-level psychology from a fiercely independent commoner, or populist if you will, as in Winston Marshall’s comment that “populism is democracy”. Definitely not dogmatically right or left but more floating butterfly as per Louis Zurcher’s “Mutable Self” trying to exist in open process- open to ongoing learning, development, change, and progress toward a more humane future. Shaped by the basic principles of Classic Liberalism (Daniel Hannan’s “Inventing Freedom” or David Boaz’s “Libertarianism: A Primer”, etc.). Paraphrased as “Live and let live”.

And patience liberals/Democrats… After some early hard knocks for your side, the bothsideism element appears further below.

Intro note:

We dehumanize ourselves when we engage the projection of our faults onto others and then exaggeratingly demonize the differing others as “evil”. All sides of political and social divides exhibit such behavior. This social pathology has become so prominent over recent years- to view the differing other as an enemy and then to frame our disagreements in terms of us positioning ourselves on the purely righteous side and battling intolerable evil on the other side. Such framing deforms the hero’s quest.

People today employ the worst of smears to dehumanize the differing other- “Hitler, racist, Russian asset, fascist, transphobic and bigot, liar….”, and on and on. Many even exaggerate the imperfections and failures of differing others to demonic scale.

Add here the perverse tendency to claim the differing other presents some form of apocalyptic threat (i.e. “the end of democracy… the end of the world”).

Such behavior dehumanizes our opponents and so also dehumanizes us for engaging it.

Affirming my independent commoner status, I will state that “bothsideism” applies to this projection and demonization issue. But I will illustrate with anecdotes/points mainly from the side that has been most dominant over past years- i.e. Woke Progressive liberals/Democrats.

The current dominance of the left has been noted in the public messaging on mainstream media, in education, and in government agencies (i.e. the Twitter Files revelations of how intelligence agencies worked mainly for one side to censor the other side on social media giants such as Twitter, Facebook). Note also how Google AI and search algorithms were exposed for favoring one side- the left. Further, many government institutions/programs have embraced extreme left Woke Progressive, and many public companies have cowed to that in its varied forms- i.e. DEI, ESG.

Another intro note: The “bad” in us is our animal inheritance, notably the “evil triad” impulses to tribalism, domination of others, and punitive retaliation and destruction of differing others. This is not some metaphysically originating “evil” that has long been framed by religions as “sin” or “original sinfulness”, something prompted originally by fallen angels/Satan (according to biblical mythology). We don’t need to look anywhere else aside from where we came from in the primitive past, from that “nasty, brutish, and short” animal existence.

Probing the psychology involved in left-wing hysteria over differing others, dissenting others.

Many of us, along with Michael Shellenberger, Jordan Peterson, Christine Brophy, and others, are trying to understand what happened to our liberal colleagues, friends, and fellow citizens beginning roughly some 8 years ago. Many in this sector of the population have abandoned true liberalism and have become hysterically unhinged over particularly one person- Donald Trump. The seeds of the abandonment of liberalism were sown long before.

Michael (in the article below, as in previous articles) is trying to understand what is behind the hysterically unhinged hatred, vilification, and irrational demonization coming from Democrats/liberals today, who have shifted to embrace a highly “illiberal” form of progressivism. Other self-identifying “old school liberals” also point this out- e.g. Jimmy Dore, Bill Maher, among others stating that woke liberals are no longer liberal but have become “highly illiberal”.

Democrats/liberals, in the process of ratcheting up hysteria over Donald Trump, have abandoned Classic Liberal fundamentals like protection of individual freedom of opinion and speech, even claiming that too much freedom for people is dangerous.

Evidence of this abandonment of Classic Liberalism- Note that some 70% of Democrats now want more censorship. We saw this in the Twitter files revelations where Democrats collaborated with intelligence agencies to censor political opponents. We saw it in the Hunter Biden laptop coverup where the Democratic party was assisted by the intelligence agencies to censor a true story.

We see it in efforts to criminalize opponents through lawfare. The efforts to silence opponents, even imprison them, is based on hysterically exaggerated claims that political opponents are Nazis led by a new Hitler. Democrats reason that you cannot grant such evil people equal freedoms and rights. To protect the republic (and democracy), political opponents have to be silenced, stopped at all costs, and eliminated from voicing their opinions in public spaces like social media.

Parents, for another example, just challenging new trends in their children’s education (i.e. DEI extremism), were framed as “domestic terrorists”, threats to democracy, and on and on. The left sicced the FBI on them (as in “sicced the dogs on them”).

The smears used to discredit, demonize, and dehumanize political opponents as intolerable evil have gone full-frontal extreme. Again, the litany- “racists, fascists, Nazis, threats to democracy, Russian assets, hate speech proponents, purveyors of disinformation/misinformation, liars, deplorables,…”, and more. These smears emanate from a spirit of despising the other, with vilification even cloaked as comedy (i.e. Stephen Colbert’s “Trump is Putin’s cock-holster”). We have all felt and recognized the spirit of intense hatred toward Trump and his supporters that fuels the projection and demonization of today.

What happened to these liberals is the question posed by Shellenberger in the article below. What kind of psychology is now operating in the minds of our fellow liberals?

The creation of Satan as the ultimate embodiment of evil

What liberals are doing to Trump is, in one sense, the expression/exhibition of an intense personal embarrassment, a redirection of personal guilt and shame (self-hatred even). It is the shifting and misdirection of blame to others, the projection of the worst in our selves onto others. And then the demonization of that other to extreme status/scale as far worse in comparison to oneself. And this pulls in the background element of Zoroastrian cosmic battle of good vs evil. Add the refinement of cosmic dualism in the Hero’s quest where people frame themselves as righteous heroes battling against evil enemies (see more below on the oversimplified framing of good versus evil that distorts reality).

Where might this come from?

Projection and the exaggerated demonization of imperfect others began with our primitive ancestors, who took awareness of human badness (i.e. the dark impulses of our animal inheritance) and mis-framed the human sense of imperfection as something more sinister- as “sin, sinfulness”, meaning some profoundly metaphysical-type stain on our humanity. They then went further and personified this sense of human corruption in terms of separate-from-humanity entities that were demonic, ultimately imagined as Satan or the Devil, the ultimate embodiment of what is bad. They gave the dark side of humanity its ugliest, most exaggerated expression in anthropomorphized entities of ultimate evil.

Our ancestors added myths of Satan as responsible for the origin of all evil and especially evil in humanity by tempting people to do bad things (e.g. the temptation of Jesus as one example). The myth of a metaphysical spirit behind human badness completed the human explanation of evil in life. It would take subsequent millennia for us to fully understand that human badness was simply the inherited animal in us, and had nothing to do with metaphysical spirits.

The shifting of blame outward and away from themselves, and then exaggeratingly demonizing others (i.e. creating ultimate enemies to blame), was the outcome of a humane consciousness developing in our ancestors. That early growing awareness of goodness contrasted with a growing sensitivity and shame over human badness demanded explanations. Hence, the response of shift the blame.

I would suggest that in the growing awareness of the “evil” of our inner animal inheritance you see a potential source of motivation that would lead to the early human attempts at redirection and projection outward that stems from a sense of shame and guilt. I suggest this as just another possible element in the mix of understanding and explaining things.

Admission of personal guilt is also a frightening thing

The awareness and admission of personal badness intuitively evokes fear, hence the desire to project our obvious badness outward to somewhere or someone else as responsible. This is as old as humanity- to project human badness outward to others as worse in contrast with oneself, for varied reasons.

The projection of human badness outward, and related demonization of others, possibly stems from early people’s fear due to other deformities in early mythology- i.e. the fear of punishment by angry gods promising judgment, exclusion, and punitive destruction, whether in this life through natural disasters, disease, accident, and cruelty from others, or by ultimate judgment and punishment through apocalypse and hell.

The intuitive deflection of blame to something or someone outside ourselves, to others, may be incited in part by this intensely personal sense of being bad and thereby feeling ourselves to be under threat of divine judgement and punishment.

Add to that, as noted above, that our ancestors also began to blame some greater metaphysical evil aside from themselves as responsible for human badness, whether demons that possessed people and drove them crazy, and ultimately to blame some ultimate source of evil like Satan as responsible for the evil in us. That later became a meme-like joke of the modern era- to claim that “the devil made me do it”, or to blame demonic-like possession- “I don’t know what possessed me”.

Back to the present liberal/Democratic practice of projection/demonization:

Donald Trump did not help counter this current dominant liberal trend to hysterical redirection and projection of personal faults outward to others. To the contrary, he exacerbated and incited this pathology in opponents even further. He seemed to enjoy stirring outrage in opponents. He offered himself as an easy target for the hysterical projection of personal faults onto others and the demonization of others to grotesquely exaggerated scale.

Example: He embraced the ugly feature of retaliation and gloried in it as something justifiable, even good. He even defensively honored it as necessary to political survival. I recall his town hall interview with Bret Baier and Martha McCullum of Fox where some lady, a staunch supporter of his, while stating that she supported his good policies, she nonetheless challenged him over his nasty, bullying tweets.

After listening to her request to stop the social media bullying, Trump laughed and then responded to her defensively, stating that if he did not hit back against his enemies, harshly, then they would laugh him off the stage as weak. He appears to misunderstand that most people intuitively respect conciliatory people like Nelson Mandela as strong examples of courageous or manly humanity. It is not an abandonment of manhood to treat others decently and respectfully and to avoid dehumanizing ad hominem attacks.

Trump’s defense of harsh retaliatory response toward opponents is unfortunately misinformed because retaliation belittles and dehumanizes all of us. Retaliation renders all of us petty, not the great human spirits that we ought to be. It seems at times that he even reveled in harsh retaliation and stirring outrage from his enemies. By engaging such behavior, Trump often just offered up himself as an easy target for demonization by people already possessed by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Further on this…

Probing these things- i.e. the practice of projecting one’s faults outward onto differing others, and the demonization of those others as worse- is all part of the understanding the “psychology” of what is going on today, just as Shellenberger and others try to understand what has happened to former liberals/Democrats.

Taking the belief and practice of our ancestors to project evil out onto others and then onto supreme embodiments of evil, as in myths of demons and Satan, so Trump was not just demonized as a political opponent but reaching much further, Democrats framed him as the new and latest edition of Satan, the new Hitler, the most evil of evil, the supreme embodiment of evil.

Democrats/liberals took the “dark nature” inside all of us, our commonly shared animal inheritance (i.e. to tribalism, domination, demonization and punitive destruction of differing others) and projected their own embodiment of these things outward and away from themselves. They redirected their personal shame and guilt outward and personified it in people like Donald Trump.

Trump’s apparent glorying in pathologies like retaliation just fueled the liberal frenzy as evidence of his irredeemable evil.

But give the liberals/Dems this

Granted, there are elements in Trump of cringe-evoking (to some) braggadocio, an exaggeration of accomplishments that embarrasses most of us who prefer more subtle forms of expression that enable us to present ourselves as “cool” while “humble bragging”. We wince at Trump’s unvarnished and blunt patting himself on the back, tooting his own horn far too loudly. But maybe that’s just because, as a successful person, he is more confident than many of us. And, after all, he is a New York real estate salesman. You know- “This ‘one of a kind’ beauty has charm and character, located in a prestigious neighborhood with panoramic views, your dream home where all your wishes are fulfilled”.

He uses superlatives excessively, often stating re some personal accomplishment that it was “the greatest or best ever”. His opponents then feel triggered that he is not “dignified” in the manner of traditional politicians who yack a lot in pablum generalities. Trump, in the estimation of liberals, is too much like a rough spoken commoner or populist, not exhibiting the proper snootiness and ‘cool’ of high-status elites, the Hollywood types.

Nonetheless, he is not the monster that they have created where every utterance of his is ripped from its context, distorted intentionally to make it sound most evil, where such distortions then effectively become more narrative-affirming media “lies”, all to affirm the demonization of the “Orange monster” that his opponents have created.

Take, for example, the recent Trump joke about Hannibal Lector inviting guests to dinner. That was twisted by Morning Joe (Scarborough of MSNBC) into “praise for Lector”. Now, who’s your liar?

So also, with the claim that Trump praised white supremacist Nazis after the Charlottesville incident, stating that “there were very fine people on both sides”, when he actually condemned the neo-Nazis and white nationalists very clearly in the full context of his comments. Joe Biden again, recently on his NBC interview with Lester Holt, repeated this lie. And he persistently (projection/demonization) claims that Trump is a liar. Huh?

This is what changed the mind of Trump uber-hater Michael Rappaport when he was told that the “fine people on both sides” was a lie and his favored liberal media had lied to him. He wondered on the Patrick Bet-David podcast- What else are they lying about? All to keep the monster narrative going at hyper-hysteria level.

Here is some of the larger context of Trump’s statement re Charlottesville…

“Reporter: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides?

“Trump: I do think there is blame — yes, I think there is blame on both sides. You look at, you look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And, and, and, and if you reported it accurately, you would say.

“Reporter: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville.

“Trump: Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures as you did — you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status, are we gonna take down — excuse me — are we gonna take down statues of George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? Okay good. Are we gonna take down the statue? Cause he was a major slaveowner. Now are we gonna take down his statue? So you know what? It’s fine. You’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits, and with the helmets, and the baseball bats, you got a lot of bad people in the other group too.

“Reporter: I’m sorry sir, I didn’t understand what you were saying, you were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly? I don’t understand what you’re saying.

“Trump: No, no. There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there was some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people. Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you wanna call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest — and very legally protest — because I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this, there are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country. A horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country.”

(End of quote)

The same distortion occurs where people repeatedly frame Trump’s jokes as seriously offensive statements when they are so obviously, in context, just comedy. His opponents often miss his sense of humor (who said leftists, in their hateful outrage, have become humorless) where he is even self-depreciatingly poking fun at himself. Such is the deforming of mind and rationality, and souring of common human decency, that stems from nursing hatred through a perverse narrative that your opponent is an irredeemable monster, Hitler 2.0.

Pulling back to sanity and what is real

We all do well to get a firm grip on reality by again recognizing the real source of evil in life, the real monster, and the real battle of life that takes place inside each of us.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either- but right through every human heart- and through all human hearts.”

How to respond to the projection/demonization pathology, Wendell Krossa

First, a scattering of notes and inserts:

How do we get over the urge to project our own imperfection onto others, to deflect blame from ourselves, and then to demonize others as worse, to create a contrast with our own imperfection and failure, in order to make ourselves feel better. We all use continuums of goodness and badness where we place ourselves somewhere on the good end in contrast with others whom we like to view as worse than ourselves.

A big step to get over this, is to rid ourselves of the mind-deforming and debilitating fear of judgment and punishment that subconsciously drives such pathologies.

A related insert: A long-ago German study (Scientific American?) noted regarding the danger of mistakes/failures in organizations, that the threat of punishment drove mistakes underground. People in varied organizations would hide their mistakes/failures for fear of being punished. And hence, the study concluded that organizations advocating punishment of human error did not learn from the mistakes of their people, and protective responses (i.e. protection against future errors) were then not implemented to improve situations.

My point here- We need to feel safe, in a big background sense, ultimately safe in a meta-narrative sense, if we are to properly deal with issues like our own imperfections and failures, and to take full responsibility and learn from our personal failures.

Again, no one has offered better insight on this issue than Historical Jesus (the title that separates him from the Christian version- “Jesus Christ”- that is entirely opposite in message to the actual historical person). Historical Jesus went to the ultimate taproot of the problem of human fear (i.e. fear of ultimate judgment and punishment). He rejected the entire previous history of human thought and explanation (mythologies, religions) that claimed there were angry and retaliatory gods threatening people with judgment and punishment for personal human imperfection and failure. Historical Jesus gave us the profound new insight that deity was no conditions love, a stunningly non-retaliatory reality (no eye for eye justice). In the “stunning new theology of Jesus,” God forgave all and included all in God’s love- i.e. sun and rain were given to both good and bad. There was no threat theology in ultimate eternal reality. There was only love, unconditional love.

Added note: In response to that breakthrough discovery of Jesus, we then look for other insights to explain the presence and purpose of evil in this life.

We find insights such as the suggestion that this world was created as a temporary arena of dualism between good and evil, with imperfection built in from the very beginning, both in the natural world and in humanity. The dualist arena is then a place where we come to learn good in contrast with evil, take on our varied oppositional roles, act out a life story, gain experiences and insights to benefit others, take full personal responsibility for our own imperfections and failures (i.e. natural consequences and related correctional responses) and thereby, from our human experience in this world, grow and develop as human.


Some additional ideas to correcting this pathological tendency to intuitively want to shift blame, to defensively deflect the personal badness within us all, to contrast ourselves with others whom we frame as worse in order to feel better about ourselves. How then, in light of this, do we maturely recognize personal imperfection and failure, taking full responsibility as fundamental to our growth and development. Learning from our own failures and not giving up, not drowning in self-pity and dejection/despair, but picking ourselves up again and again after every failure and moving on with confidence that growth into mature humanity is a life-long process of “try and try again”, with often just incremental gains.

Others have offered helpful insights

Essential to countering the natural tendency to redirect our shame and guilt outward onto others, to project our own self-despising and self-hatred onto imperfect others around us, with the false comparison that they are worse evil (demonization) in order to make ourselves feel better, essential here is to start inside, to start with the animal inheritance that is inside each of us. This is about taking full personal responsibility for that inner monster and then focusing on that as the real source of evil in life, the real enemy that we must fight and conquer. Locate the hero’s quest there inside us. We must win that battle first, instead of hating and blaming others as Hitlers to be despised, demonized, vilified, and destroyed.

Start within and, to lessen our fear to grapple with personal imperfection and failure, recognize that the dark and ugly animal inheritance inside us is not the real us. “We are not our brains” (paraphrase of Jeffrey Schwartz’s book title). Our animal origins and inheritance has cursed all of us with the inhumane impulses to tribalism, domination of others, and to punitive destruction of others. But these base impulses do not define the real core human person that is the authentic us.

Insert: “There are no really bad people, just bad ideas and bad thinking that lead people to do bad things”, Bob Brinsmead.

We all share a fundamental human spirit that is most essentially good at core. That is our essential reality as human persons. Our human self is the fundamental reality that exists aside from our material brain, though it tightly interacts with the material brain (see the books of neuroscientist and Nobel laureate John Eccles). We are not merely “a product of the brain” that developed in animal existence and is shaped by defiling, dehumanizing animal impulses.

Other “spiritual” insights– We are most essentially defined by love, by the presence of the God that is love and has incarnated in each one of us, inseparable from our human spirit.

Note here also the “imposter syndrome” thing- i.e. that our awareness and sensitivity to our imperfection often undermines our feeling good about ourselves and causes us to doubt our essential nature as good persons.

By countering the sense of personal badness with varied insights and arguments we properly prepare ourselves to fight the larger battles of life against the more general versions of anti-humanism that dominate public meta-narratives.

My basic argument here:

Again, I repeat the critical Jesus insight, his “stunning new theology of a non-retaliatory deity” as critical to solving these issues of the human fear of punishment for personal imperfection and failures, and the consequent tendency to defensively project blame onto others, to tribally demonize others. Nothing is more critical than the basic themes of our narratives, the ideas that we hold in the background of our minds that shape our thinking, our emotions, our motivations and views of life and others. Add here also, the themes that influence us from the subconscious realm- the archetypal stuff.

We need a complex of ideas that re-orient us constantly to basic realities that are critical to our mental/emotional health, that help us get through life safely, no matter what life throws at us.

Most critical here is how we understand and define “ultimate reality” or deity, the cohering center that shapes all else in human narratives. How do we define the core nature of reality, which then defines the purpose of life?

This is where the insight of Historical Jesus comes into play. He stated that love defined Ultimate Reality or deity. He stated that God was a non-retaliatory God. God was no conditions love. Meaning that no matter how we failed in this life, we were still included in the love of God because authentic love will not forsake anyone.

God as no conditions love means that there is no ultimate judgment, no ultimate exclusion of anyone. The love of God is shown to both good and bad people (“sun and rain given to both righteous and unrighteous”). With a God that is unconditional love there will be no ultimate punishment or destruction as with the perverse myths of apocalypse and hell.

The stunning new theology of Jesus also defines the ideal of what we should be about, what defines our purpose and ought to shape our ethics, our treatment of others. Just as God loves God’s enemies, so we also should love our enemies. We should exhibit the same non-retaliatory love toward all.

That love at the core of our narratives ought to function to reorient us at all times to how we should think, feel, and respond or behave toward others, how we should treat others. “Love your enemies because God does”. We thereby maintain our humanity in this life, and find the safest route through life as in “do the least harm”, by embracing nonretaliatory, no conditions love as our guiding ethic in the face of evil.

So Historical Jesus dealt with the uber fear, the mother of all human fears, the most deeply rooted of all fears- fear of ultimate judgment, fear of divine anger and ultimate exclusion, fear of ultimate retaliation by God in the fear of ultimate punishment and destruction. The Jesus insight is profound liberation from these primal fears.

We have had this insight for two millennia now, an insight to liberate us as nothing ever offered before, the most profound liberation of mind, emotions, and spirit. But Paul then buried that insight in his retreat to the same old threat theology, the old retaliatory theology and ethics that had endlessly incited millennia of the tribalism of true believers vs unbelievers, of righteous heroes battling against evil enemies. By re-igniting the old tribal thinking and emotions, Paul again inflamed the same old projection of evil onto others, the same old demonization of differing others.


Embrace and emphasize this fundamental insight and truth that we are all safe in the end. Lodge that truth solidly in your background narrative as a fundamental baseline belief that you hang onto no matter what else may fall away. There is no ultimate judgement, no coming punishment or exclusion, no ultimate destruction… of anyone. The sense of ultimate safety rooted in such a baseline truth helps us face our inner monster and enemy and to take full responsibility for having this potential “Hitler”- our animal impulses- inside every one of us.

To illustrate this last point: A guest of Joe Rogan once stated that his ayahuasca experience had revealed to him that he had the potential of Hitler inside him.

With a sense of ultimate safety, securely established as a baseline belief, we can then more properly deal with our inner animal, taking full personal responsibility for it, and also viewing others the same- i.e. not as more evil than ourselves, but struggling with the same inner monster and enemy of the animal inheritance.

Again: We do well to heed Solzhenitsyn’s statement that the real battle of good against evil takes place not between political parties or classes but takes place inside every human heart. That frames properly our primary obligation to fight that real battle and the real monster. To recognize that we have found the real enemy, and it is inside us. It is not differing others.

We then understand that imperfect others, just like ourselves, are not “enemies”. They are most fundamentally members of our family, the one human family. This is the oneness thing again, whether based on “Mitochondrial Eve, NDE oneness insights, or the fundamental oneness of all reality as per ‘quantum entanglement’”. Whatever you appeal to, affirm our fundamental oneness, just as Joseph Campbell affirmed our “brotherhood with even the guiltiest” as we engage the righteous battles against evil in life.

“For love is exactly as strong as life. And when life produces what the intellect names evil, we may enter into righteous battle, contending ‘from loyalty of heart’: however, if the principle of love (Christ’s “Love your enemies”) is lost thereby, our humanity too will be lost. ‘Man’, in the words of the American novelist Hawthorne, ‘must not disclaim his brotherhood even with the guiltiest’” (Myths To Live By).

Add here also the awareness of the distortion of the hero’s quest when we frame ourselves as the good ones in a righteous battle against our opponents as the evil enemies/monsters to be conquered and destroyed. That framing embraces the Zoroastrian cosmic dualism of a good God, with his true believers in the good religion, battling a great evil Force or Spirit with his followers in the false religion who must be defeated, conquered, in order to “save the world”.

Further, in response to the out-of-control projection and demonization of one another today, we also do well to re-enforce the fundamental principles and institutions of Classic Liberalism that protect us from the worst impulses in ourselves- impulses to tribal exclusion of differing others, domination and subjection of differing others to our thinking and policies (meddling, intervening, controlling, undermining the freedom and rights of others to self-determination), and employing punitive justice to dehumanize and destroy differing others.

Additional note:

Speculation on the nature of ultimate reality, as was done by Historical Jesus, is critical to defining and understanding the purpose of reality and life, especially the purpose of human life. That statement- “be unconditionally merciful just as your Father is unconditionally merciful”. The nature of Ultimate Reality or deity defines how we should behave. It informs the impulse to “Be like Daddy”. The long-term understanding of people that human behavior should be based on and validated by similar theology.

And now one of the craziest of all smears/conspiracy theories about the other side. Post-assassination attempt on Trump, some 30% of Democrats believe that Trump staged the assassination attempt. He did this, they suggest, to help himself get elected. Kill people for self-gain? Yes, the Democrats say, he is capable of anything.

This illustrates the insanity that irrational, unleashed hatred of others evokes in minds.

An example of Trump’s self-deprecatory humor (this about his hair):

“I have to just interject, if you would turn off those cameras… see the screen up there of me? That’s very severe, that comb over that’s a severe sucker,” Trump quipped while looking at a screen showing his remarks. “It looks OK from the other side, but that is very severe. I apologize. Man, I looked up there, I said, ‘Whoa, look at that.’ Wow. That’s like a work of art.”

And his response to Elon Musk donating $45 million a month to his campaign and not even telling him about it…

Trump’s response: “I read he gives me $45million a month. I talked to him a while ago, and he didn’t even mention it. Other guys give you two dollars and you got to take them to lunch. Two dollars and you got to wine em and dine em.”

This from independent news media, Bari Weiss’s Free Press- Comedian and social/political commentator Tim Dillon on Trump’s humor (and the upcoming US election)…

He comments on the stated threat that “Trump will become a dictator and end democracy”, saying that Democrats at every opportunity have acted dictatorially. He details the litany of Democratic dictatorial actions/events over past years.

Again- Projection of your own main faults onto others, and demonization of your opponents as worse than you.

And then this…

This is what a growing number of Democrats have been admitting in recent years- that Trump’s policies were good for the country. It started with Van Jones of CNN back in 2020 stopping a Jake Tapper rant on Trump and saying “Jake, liberals get mad at me but we don’t give Trump enough praise for his good policies that really helped minority communities”. He then listed the good policies of Trump- i.e. the low unemployment and booming economy, opportunity zones in black communities, justice reform (Biden was the creator of the 1994 tough on crime bill that began locking up many young black men and Biden has still not repudiated that even though both Clinton’s apologized for that bill). Trump was the only one to get Democrats and Republicans to agree on reforming criminal justice.

Good for Van Jones for showing some integrity and honestly admitting those things, just as other leading Democrats now acknowledge that Trump’s border policies were right, among other policies like no wars. Even Biden has reversed some of his executive orders to re-instate the Trump border policies. And so on…

“Progressives enraged as Democrats reportedly privately admit Trump isn’t an ‘existential threat to democracy’: ‘Absolutely fucking enraging,’ former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau reacted”, Joseph Wulfsohn,

“Liberals on social media seethed in reaction to Democratic lawmakers reportedly admitting behind the scenes that former President Trump isn’t a “threat to democracy” as their party loudly claims.

“New York Times columnist Ezra Klein appeared on The Bulwark Podcast Tuesday and revealed what “top Democrats” have told him off the record as they panic over whether they should support or abandon President Biden on their ticket….

“People are… weighing what will happen if Donald Trump wins, and saying, in a revealed preference way, ‘I can live with Donald Trump winning,’” Klein said. “And I’ve heard people say that to me off the record, to be fair-“…

“”I’ve had top Democrats say to me, basically, say something like, ‘I don’t know why all these Democrats who think Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy are acting the way they are. But the reason I’m acting the way I am is because I don’t think that,'” Klein continued….

“”I find it maddening, but I do find it consistent,” Klein responded….

“Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, offered a similar sentiment publicly in an op-ed published in the Bangor Daily News with the headline “Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine.””

From the best minds on climate at “”

“Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide”, Richard Lindzen, William Happer, July 14, 2024

See full report at:


“The United States and countries worldwide are vigorously pursuing regulations and subsidies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to Net Zero by 2050 on the assumption, as stated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that the “evidence is clear that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main driver of climate change” and is “responsible for more than 50% of the change,” note Drs. Richard Lindzen and William Happer.

“However, this demonization of CO2 contradicted in a paper by the two physicists. Below is a summary of this important report:

“At today’s CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of approximately 420 parts per million, additional amounts of CO2 have little ability to absorb heat and therefore is now a weak greenhouse gas. At higher concentrations in the future, the ability of increases to warm the planet will be even smaller. This also means that the common assumption that carbon dioxide is “the main driver of climate change” is scientifically false.


1. Net Zero efforts will have a trivial effect on temperature.
2. Net Zero policies will be disastrous for people worldwide.
3. More carbon dioxide means more food.
4. Fossil fuels must not be eliminated.

“All Net Zero Actions Worldwide Should Be Stopped Immediately:

“More carbon dioxide cannot cause catastrophic global warming or more extreme weather….

“Referring to additional atmospheric CO2 as “carbon pollution” is complete nonsense. More CO2 does no harm. Quite the contrary, it does two good things for humanity: (1) It provides a beneficial increase in temperature, although slight and much less than natural fluctuations. (2) It creates more food for people worldwide, which we cover further below.

“More Carbon Dioxide Means More Food. Contrary to the demonization of the carbon dioxide as a pollutant, increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide boosts the amount of food available to people worldwide, including in drought-stricken areas. Doubling carbon dioxide to 800 ppm, for example. will increase global food supplies by many tens of percent.

“Thus, carbon dioxide emissions should not be reduced, but increased to provide more food worldwide. There would be no risk of catastrophic global warming or extreme weather because carbon dioxide is now a weak greenhouse gas. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions will reduce the amount of food available to people worldwide and produce no benefit to the climate.”

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Assessing Donald Trump- Jordan Peterson

Evaluating Donald Trump, Wendell Krossa

Whatever you think of Donald Trump as a person, and even his strongest supporters over the past have told him to tone down the nasty Tweets and vengeful comments about his opponents. But nonetheless (distinguishing person from policies), I don’t know if anyone else could have done what he did in his first term in courageously pushing back, for example, against the lunacy of climate alarmism and getting important things done like criminal justice reform, lowering business taxes across all sectors of business, deregulating at an unprecedented scale (Kevin O’Leary said the deregulation was more important than lowering taxes in stimulating businesses), and much more.

And contrary to Nancy Pelosi’s repeated assertion that Trump “just made the rich richer”, US government budget agencies noted that the highest percentage median income gains were made in the lowest quintile of the population, among other similar data.

Jordan Peterson has offered one of the best assessments of the man in recognizing his personal peculiarities, but then arguing that perhaps the very nature of the man is necessary in the current political atmosphere, both domestic and international.

Here is a reposting of some previous comment on this site:

“This is a very interesting analysis of Trump by Jordan Peterson, psychologist. Not entirely flattering but very interesting and balanced. I have felt the same. Trump can be upsetting at times (i.e. bullying) but “necessary” for the world that we live in today??

“Note Peterson’s comment on “no wars… the Abraham Accords…” that are still holding up. He asks- Why no praise for these amazing accomplishments of Trump? Most people allowed media to infuse them with such hysterical “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (Orange Monster, Hitler) they could not do any sort of rational analysis as Peterson does here.”

Add here that over past years, more and more Democrats exhibited increasing integrity in acknowledging the good things that Trump has done with his varied policies- i.e. Van Jones of CNN pushing back against a Jake Tapper rant and admitting that Trump’s policies benefitted minority communities- e.g. the opportunity zones, criminal justice reform, booming economy, low unemployment, etc. Democratic party business leaders also eventually admitted that his policies were helpful to the economy. And others have come (even though grudgingly) to acknowledge that his border policies were good, among other things.

Donald Trump once said something to the effect that he wanted to be considered a great president. I would suggest that key to gaining such status would be to abandon “his guiding ethic” of “eye for eye” retaliation (apparently his statement in one of his autobiographies which I have not read). I would encourage him to take the approach of Nelson Mandela to forgive “enemies” and work toward reconciliation with opponents, rejecting tribalism to include all equally in a better future as per Classic Liberal principles.

Topics in this section:

1. Eye for eye retaliation- Us at our most infantile and subhuman.
2. The central Jesus message- No more eye for eye, but instead, love your “enemy”.
3. True greatness- Win the inner battle against the real enemy inside each of us. Then do a Mandela- “Let us surprise them (our opponents) with our generosity”.
4. Links to varied comments on “bothsideism” and “onesideism” in creating the lethal atmosphere of tribal hatred that incites violence.

Read the rest of the opening comment here

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There are “Myths to Live By” (Joseph Campbell) and myths you don’t want to live by

See the comment below in this opening section on reviving Magna Carta principles to counter the excessive criminalizing and lawmaking trends of today (countering “moralizing busybodies”).

Note: To doubters of the fact that the most primitive of ancient mythical themes still dominate human narratives/worldviews today. I have posted below a brief list of these primitive themes for readers on the run who prefer quickie summaries. Others would say these themes are about “archetypes” of the subconscious. OK, but let me deal with this in a more street-level manner befitting my “independent commoner” status.

Paul embedded these pathological themes listed below in his Christ myth giving them respected status as ultimate religious or metaphysical/spiritual truth, thereby perpetuating the worst of mental pathology in human narratives and consciousness, especially for those of us in Western civilization.

Historical Jesus had previously severed the long historical tradition of mental/emotional enslavement to these personality-deforming themes by presenting a stunning new alternative- i.e. a non-retaliatory, unconditional God that should have become the cohering center of a new complex of supporting ideas, an entirely new narrative. His breakthrough insights could have sparked the greatest liberation movement in history if early Christians had understood him and embraced his core message. Then we would have gotten true “Jesus-ianity”, instead of the opposite- “Christ-ianity”.

It would have been profound liberation of mind and spirit from threat theology that deforms human personality with fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, despair, depression, nihilism, and violence.

Here again is a summary of the basic themes- the baddies, framed in terms of contemporary “secular/ideological” versions like environmental alarmism:

(1) There was a better past (i.e. the wilderness world before humanity and human civilization).
(2) Essentially “corrupt, greedy” people (“virus, cancer on the planet”) are consuming too much of Earth’s resources and are ruining the originally paradise world (this expresses an essential anti-humanism, hatred of humanity).
(3) Life is now declining toward a worsening state, even toward an apocalyptic ending.
(4) Humanity must make a sacrifice/payment and endure punishment for human sin- i.e. such as give up the good life in modern society and return to the “morally superior low consumption lifestyle”. Meaning- Embrace a retreat to primitivism framed as “de-growth, de-development”.
(5) Humanity must also purge life of some great “evil” threat (CO2 has been lasered in on as the chief marker of human sin today- i.e. human greed in using too much of Earth’s resources like energy. Try to comprehend the insane irrationality of demonizing the basic food of all carbon-based life as a “pollutant/poison”. Yes, Bill Maher, who did not attend Grade 1 science class, called CO2 a “poisonous gas”.).
(6) Only after embracing and fulfilling this salvation scheme can we then restore the lost paradise or achieve some new utopia (i.e. as in the Marxist restoration of original communalism with people re-engineered to become once again “Noble savage collectivist humans” liberated from the great evil of private property, “owning nothing and happy eating bugs”).

Added note on feature 3 above: “Life declining toward a worsening state” is the central feature of the primitive psychopathology of apocalyptic- “the most violent and destructive idea in history” (Arthur Mendel).

Historian Arthur Herman (“The Idea of Decline in Western History”) rightly states that the idea of “decline” is the most dominant and influential theme in today’s world. “Ten Global Trends” (Tupy and Bailey) affirms this dominance with world survey data.

Declinism dominates public consciousness worldwide despite the best evidence that reveals life is improving over the long-term and today we are living in “the best time ever to be alive on Earth” (, and of course- Julian Simon’s “Ultimate Resource”). Most notably, the life-distorting myth of declinism dominates the “profoundly religious” climate alarmism crusade.

Other historians have detailed the evidence that the primitive themes outlined above shaped and fueled Marxism, Nazism, and are now shaping environmental alarmism and driving its “salvation” scheme of Net Zero decarbonization. The salvation schemes (“save the world”) of apocalyptic movements have consistently “destroyed the world to save the world”.

Conclusion: We are not as advanced, or “secular/ideological”, as we like to imagine ourselves. Many of us would find ourselves clapping and cheering if we teleported back some 5000 years ago into a Sumerian temple where the priests droned on about Enlil, the waterworks god, who threatened to send a Great Flood to punish “too many people” (early “overpopulation bomb” nonsense) making “too much noise” (enjoying the good life too much). Too many of us still embrace those most primitive myths of an ancient past, even many with PhDs.

My list of Alternative themes to frame/shape/construct a more humane narrative:

Topics below:

(1) Revive Magna Carta- The origins and main principles of Classic Liberalism that grant us the freedom and equality that we value today.

(2) The process of leaving my religion- example of death and rebirth in human story.

(3) The transformation of narratives, consciousness, and life at the “archetypal” level.

(4) James Tabor on the still dominant influence of Paul and his apocalyptic Christ myth on our lives and societies today. (Insert: And you wonder why apocalyptic continues to dominate Hollywood story-telling, media narratives of “climate apocalypse”, and resonating with the general population? Well, when Paul embedded that primitive mythical theme in his Christ myth, he gave apocalyptic supreme, unquestionable status “protected under the canopy of the sacred” in the most influential icon in Western consciousness and narratives, for two millennia. Not just influential in religious consciousness but also in “secular/ideological” consciousness, even in “scientific” consciousness.)

(5) The God obsessed with perfection- The baseline myth of “ruined original paradise” that sets the stage for all the rest of the complex of bad religious ideas- “lost paradise, corrupt humanity, life declining toward apocalypse, demanded salvation as sacrifice and purging, promise of restored paradise”.

(6) Goodies from Michael Shellenberger. And more…

Read the rest of the opening comment here

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Spanking conservative politicians- Become woke about climate and CO2

Why conservative politicians needed the spanking they got in Britain, Wendell Krossa

Rishi Sunak, lost the election in Britain. He illustrates a significant mistake made by many conservative politicians over past years, including the otherwise brave Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta. They engage some pushback against the madness of Net Zero Decarbonization, arguing the pace is too rushed and we will still need fossil fuels for some time yet. So slow down, eh.

But then they quickly turn on their heels, pivoting to affirm- But yes, there is a “climate crisis” and we must do something about “dangerous climate change”. Meaning, eventually cut off entirely the human use of fossil fuels.

What the fuck, eh? Do something? Have none of them ever looked at the most basic facts in climate science? Especially the “physics of CO2” and the fact that the CO2 warming effect is now “saturated” (a physics term). Listen to the most credible of atmospheric physicists- Richard Lindzen, William Happer, and others (posting their research at They are telling us that the CO2 effect is now saturated (i.e. the ability of more CO2 to operate in a narrow range on the long-wave infrared spectrum, absorbing and instantly re-emitting energy to make a very minor contribution to warming. This ability is now saturated).

So the climate physicists tell us that even a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere from today’s 420ish ppm to 800 ppm would not contribute much, if anything, to any further warming.

Conclusion? “Do something about fossil fuel emissions”? No, we don’t need to do anything except just adjust/adapt to whatever climate does and become fully woke to the fact that plentiful and cheap fossil fuels are critical to enable humanity to make such adaptations. So stop the irrational and insane war on carbon. C’mon, Danielle. Do some basic research on the fundamentals of climate science.

There is no good scientific reason to tax carbon or decarbonize our societies. Add here, to counter the insanity of alarmism over warming, that 10 times more people still die every year from cold than die from warming (Lancet study). Cold, not warming, is the great threat to life. Media- Where are you on these facts? And what about the hugely beneficial addition of 15% more green vegetation to the world since 1980, due to more aerial fertilization from the basic food of plant life- CO2? More food for animals, increased crop production for humanity. Again, media where are you on these critical facts?

The “madness” of climate alarmism. Yes, as related to Charles Mackay’s “Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds”, as well as Douglas Murray’s more recent “The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity”.

Panic-mongering madness, Wendell Krossa

For three decades, hysterical climate prophets of doom have battered public consciousness with panic-mongering, beyond Chicken Little levels of lunacy, that the all-time “end of days” is nigh. This highly irresponsible and profoundly religious crusade of climate alarmism has traumatized the minds of entire populations, especially harming young people with fear, anxiety, fatalism regarding their futures, escapism, nihilism, even drug addiction- .

Climate crisis alarmism has rendered populations susceptible to irrational salvation schemes like Net Zero decarbonization that are causing mass-suffering and ruining societies to “save the world”. Oxymoronic salvation as “destroying the world to save the world”.

The panic-mongering has been obsessive compulsive and incessant over normal summer weather, the hot spells that we all enjoy, especially here in Canada, because they warm cold Canadian lakes to sufferable levels of low-grade hypothermia (i.e. exhibited in the pained shout from cold-shock as you surface after jumping in).

Despite the massive benefits of the 1 degree C warming over the past century, 10 times more people still die of cold every year, than die of warming (Lancet study- ). Cold, not warming, is still by far the great threat to life. Where are the climate alarmism media on this?

And to hammer down the incredible lunacy of the “climate crisis” crusade, join me in shaking our heads at the climate alarmists who have demonized CO2 as a “pollutant/poison”, the food of all life that over past millennia has been at starvation levels- .

CO2 levels sank to 180 ppm just some 20,000 years ago, barely above the level at which all life dies (150 ppm). Now with a slight recovery of this critical life-molecule over past centuries there has been a 15% increase in green vegetation across the Earth since 1980, as formerly gasping-for-food plant life can now flourish again. This slight restoration of basic plant nourishment has resulted in more food for animals and increased agricultural production for humanity. A huge benefit to all life. But we could benefit even more with a restoration of CO2 levels to the thousands of ppm that were normal and natural for most of the Phanerozoic history of life.

All to say, kids- It’s going to be alright. Don’t be afraid. Climate is doing just what climate always does- changing nonstop. There is no stasis in this highly complex, dynamic system. So we adapt just as we always have. And what is happening today is not unusual. It is not “worst on record”, as media daily harangue about.

See also these reports from the best of atmospheric physicists at “”-*CO2%20estimates%20during%20the%20Earth’s,higher%20than%20today’s%20400%20ppm.

This recent example of the ongoing climate madness… Note that we only understand climate today when we place our modern era in the larger context of climate- whether within the past millions of years of paleoclimate, or in the context of our Holocene interglacial, or comparatively within the last centuries/decades of climate change. Then we see that nothing in climate change today is the “worst on record”. It’s just normal summer weather.

“CNN Goes ‘Mann Overboard’ on Eastern US Heatwave”, Chris Martz at Climate Realism, June 20, 2024

“Editors Note: This guest essay from meteorologist Chris Martz talks about how CNN uncritically reposted statements from embattled climatologist Michael Mann in an interview discussing summer a heat wave that has been forecast for the eastern half of the United States. The media has been promoting heat wave hysteria nearly continuously for the past two weeks. Mann made some wild claims about the heatwave that Martz completely debunks and falsifies simply by looking at past temperature records for cities highlighted by CNN. Mann, as a “distinguished professor” should have checked the data himself, but instead chose to turn a normal run-of-the-mill summer heatwave into a “climate crisis” without any actual evidence, and CNN posted it as fact, rather than the unjustified speculation that it is.

“CNN’s Brianna Keilar interviewed their number one climate czar, Dr. Michael Mann from UPenn, yesterday, to discuss how this week’s “brutal” and “unprecedented” heatwave is being fueled by global warming and is a taste of our future….

Someone should tell these people that this is what a glimpse of SUMMER looks like. There is nothing unprecedented or all that unusual about this heatwave. Not by summer standards nor by June standards….

“No daily records are in [the] forecast for any of those locations. This week’s heatwave does not compare to those of June 1936, 1944, 1953 or 1988.

“Completely and totally ignorant of our weather history. Clowns.” (see lists of past heat records for the cities mentioned in the CNN report at the link above)

The Totalitarian’s formula- “Fear=control”, Wendell Krossa

What is this irresponsible and irrational thing in us to alarm others with wildly exaggerated tales of threats and then to try to control others as in getting people to submit to our cockamamy salvation schemes that ruin life. Whether we scare one another with the age-old burden of demanded offerings to appease angry forces or spirits, or the equally primitive obligation to make sacrifices to appease threatening forces/gods. We are seeing exactly this in the state-coerced return to primitivism that is pushed on us today in “de-development, de-growth” schemes to appease “vengeful Gaia, angry Mother Earth/Planet, punitive Universe, or payback karma”, backed with the promised utopia where “you will own nothing and be happy eating bugs” (former WEF slogan- my paraphrase).

The propensity to climate and other forms of alarmism is especially pathological when evidence is overwhelming that life has been improving across the millennia, and most notably over the past few centuries. Yet so many of our fellow humans still ignore or outright deny such evidence to embrace the great lie of life declining toward some version of looming apocalypse- the greatest delusion in history. (Spoiler explanation: “Our fellow humans” are simply responding to what resonates with deeply embedded “archetypes” in their subconscious. Hence, what they hear today in alarmism narratives just “feels right”. When some modern prophet of doom states that life is declining toward “existential crisis” and ending/apocalypse, and so we must do something to save life, to save the world, well, it has the ring of truthiness. When people hear some contemporary version of that primitive narrative of “lost paradise/decline toward apocalypse/redemption” they intuitively respond with affirmation- It just seems right and true.)

Continuing with above comment on “de-growth”…

The natural world has always been imperfect, even a “wicked old witch” with nature “red in tooth and claw”. But we have been wildly successful in solving natural problems, in adapting to whatever nature throws at us and the evidence is clear, for example, in that “Over the past hundred years annual climate-related deaths have declined by more than 97%”. See Bjorn Lomborg-

This site explores the core themes in narratives, notably the themes embedded in our public narratives from the very beginning that endlessly incite fear/alarm, and still dominate modern narratives both religious and secular. Because the same old themes have been made subconscious archetypes, when modern alarmism prophets speak their narratives of doom resonate with populations, deform people’s consciousness, incite the survival impulse, and render so many of our contemporaries susceptible to “madness of crowd” salvation schemes like Net Zero decarbonization.

This site offers alternative themes to construct new narratives of hope in humanity’s compassion, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities.

Insert note on the early origins of religion as a tool to incite fear and produce submission to the atonement schemes of shaman/priests: See John Pfeiffer’s “The Creative Explosion: An Inquiry Into the Origins of Art and Religion” that illustrates how fear-mongering was central in the earliest emergence of religion.

And a “secular” example- H. L. Mencken: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary”, (In Defense of Women).

My faith in the fundamental goodness of people continually revives my hope that we will learn from the current eruptions of social contagion alarmism in climate change hysteria, resurging Marxism (threat from capitalist civilization), and Woke Progressivism (i.e. “end of democracy” hysteria, AI alarmism), among other strains of anti-humanism.

What we learn?: The hysterical exaggeration of elitist alarmism crusades eventually evokes revulsion in most commoners- i.e. revulsion at the exaggeration of problems and rejection of evidence on the true state of life, the irrationality of salvation schemes to solve imagined “crises”, and the horrific damage that is the outcome of apocalyptic-scale hysteria. Then hopefully, our experience of living through “madness of crowds” episodes will eventually result in a return to common-sense across populations.

Added note:

It’s going to be alright? Yes. Once again (and is this my purpose in life- to promote Simon says?), go to the “single best book ever written” by Julian Simon- “Ultimate Resource: Natural resources… pollution… world’s food supply… pressures of population growth… Every trend in human material welfare has been improving- and promises to continue to do so, indefinitely.”

And note his conclusion that, yes, there are problems everywhere in life on this imperfect planet but we have been doing amazingly well in solving problems, adapting to the harsher elements of life, and overall making life better over the long term. And therefore we ought to hold a party to outdo all parties to celebrate how well we have done. As Simon says, “We are more creators than destroyers”.

He is pointing to the wonder of being human. See also Nobel laureate John Eccles on “The Wonder of Being Human: Our Brain and Our Mind”, among his other books celebrating humanity.

Simon’s data needs updating and many have followed him and done that, notably Desrochers and Szurmak’s “Population bombed”. But Simon’s principles for discerning “the true state of life” are as up to date and critical as always. Moreso than anything else out there. The principles? 2 that are critical to good science… (1) Include all the evidence on the full big picture of any element of life and thereby counter any “confirmation bias”, and (2) include the full picture of the longest term trend associated with any element of life.

See also Greg Easterbrook’s “A Moment On The Earth”, especially the last 40 pages or so where he concludes that we, with human minds, are the best thing that has ever happened to life. Many others similarly affirm the same wonder of being human.

Enough of this anti-human pathology that demonizes and dehumanizes humanity. It’s a cancer on public consciousness- long embedded in our narratives and based on the primitive mythology that there was an original paradise that was ruined by early humans who became a fallen species and have subsequently degenerated in civilization (See “human degeneration theory” in “The Idea of Decline in Western History”, Arthur Herman). It is an entirely false myth that our ancestors were once pure and strong “noble savages” and that we have fallen from that original state to our current decline in civilization and we need salvation. The real story of life (this from Bob Brinsmead) is not how far we have fallen but how high we have risen from our primitive animal past.

Another note– My pokes at religion are not from some generally anti-religion or anti-religious spirit but more about discerning the good from the bad in any tradition, any movement, any ideology or system of belief. We have a history of fucking up good things with bad in the mix, so be discerning about what is truly human and what is anti-human or subhuman in anything. And what are the impacts on human consciousness and life? Bring discernment to everything with your own set of criteria informed by the best insights from our human rights codes, constitutions, Classic Liberal principles, good science, as well as the best of “spiritual traditions”.

Amy Hamm: What a refreshing voice.

Hamm was accused of being “transphobic” for expressing her advocacy on social and other platforms “to protect women and children from what she described as dangerous infringements into sex-segregated spaces”.

She has now found her true calling in exposing and pushing back against woke totalitarianism in Canada. Go Amy, go.

Her reference to Poilievre below illustrates the populism revolt emerging across Western nations in response to the collectivist totalitarianism of extremist Woke Progressivism that has tried to overthrow Western freedom and liberal democracy.

“Prime Minister Poilievre will make woke heads explode: Progressives will hold on to their cultural power tightly”, Amy Hamm, June 28, 2024,of%20Pierre%20Poilievre%20we%20all


“Not every Canadian has had an intimate experience with the wrath of progressive zealots — but they’re about to….

“The most fervent progressives — the wokes — have ruled the cultural roost in Canada for over a decade. During this time, we have seen that they are incapable of handling dissent or disagreement….

“We have a not-insignificant portion of our populace convinced that it is justified — rather than a terrifying throwback to the days of the Soviet Union — for a government to legislate censorship, to freeze the bank accounts of political dissidents, to enforce unscientific “public health” lockdowns and vaccine mandates, or to fund “anti-hate” groups that don’t fight hatred but instead monitor, harass, and defame Canadians with perfectly mainstream, legal views….

“(Woke Progressives) believe wholeheartedly that they are visionaries on an inexorable march toward their (bastardized) version of justice….

“These are people who peddle in victimhood and vitriol, and are accustomed to getting their way… When challenged, they are vicious and liable to form mobs….

“Toddlers. Toddlers throwing tantrums — because they’ve too often gotten their way. Toddlers who’ve internalized and accepted as normal the divisiveness exemplified by Trudeau’s Liberal government, and the audacity of a prime minister who shames his own citizens — “these people,” he said — as bigots for disagreeing with him.

“The politics of the last decade have nourished the contempt too many Canadian progressives have for diversity of thought and expression — and therefore for democracy itself.

“We can all see that a blue wave is coming (conservative populism) — but none of us should expect it to break gently. Canada is about to enter an era of tumultuousness like we have never seen.” National Post


These projects (anti-discriminatory DEI, anti-racism, affirmative action) begin as well-intentioned projects to correct past injustices- i.e. discrimination against minority groups. But then too often they go overboard/extremist and become new forms of injustice against other groups like the discrimination against Asian enrollment at Harvard and where blacks now exceed enrolment levels compared to their proportion/percentage in the general population.

These crusades are also too often accompanied by bullying against any who protest, with those who raise questions or dissent now smeared as “bigots, transphobic, haters, racists, etc.”. The affirmative action program, in its DEI version, has become part of the new “Woke Racism” (John McWhorter). Further, there is no included end-date for such programs such as when the proportions of minority groups included mirror the general population percentages. These projects become permanent fixtures in institutions and a new discrimination against some other excluded group.

“First Reading: BC library boasts of program to explicitly reject white job applicants: Discriminatory hiring is illegal, but not if the B.C. government gives you a special exemption for “equity” purposes”, Tristan Hopper, June 25, 2024,managers%20and%20executives%20since%202021.


“In one of the more unabashed examples of race-based hiring in the Canadian public service, B.C.’s Burnaby Public Library boasted in a recent report that by explicitly rejecting white applicants, they’ve been able to hire exclusively non-white managers and executives since 2021….

“In the interim three years, the library has advertised for five leadership positions, and for each they have only considered applicants who “self-identify as Indigenous, Black or a person of colour.”….

“But as per policy, any ethnicity or culture not meeting the guidelines had no chance. As per Davies’ report, a total of 84 white candidates applied for the five positions, only to have their applications rejected outright. In each instance, only non-white candidates advanced to the interview phase….

“Davies’ report to the board had praise for their efforts to build an “exempt staff group” free of white staff members.”

Here on Joe Rogan Experience episode 2168, similar to the Burnaby library situation above

Just after the 1 hour 22-minute mark, comedian Tyler Fischer recounts how acting agencies/talent agencies began telling him that though he was the best qualified for roles, because he was a straight white man they could not hire him. They were not hiring any more white guys, and it was “company policy”. He says that this was a “celebratory” boast coming from those agencies discriminating against him. Not hiring white guys. Discrimination based on skin color. Elon Musk recently noted the same issue with Disney.

Fischer now has an attorney representing him in a discrimination case because every race is protected under Civil Rights law.

This new Woke Racism is not liberalism anymore. It is regression to the ugliest forms of past racism. It is a rejection of Classic Liberalism with its primary principle of the equality and inclusion of everyone, equally. Equal rights for every individual no matter their skin color, sexual orientation, or any other personal factor.

Fischer’s explanation is good that he was pushed too far, this discrimination has gone too far (i.e. turned down repeatedly because of his skin color) and he is an “animal”. He has been through too much in his life. He states that he is willing to give up everything and now die on this hill. And he wants to fight for others who cannot fight such things.


Well, it took a long time but now even some in the leftist Progressive media are admitting what many conservatives/Classic Liberals have stated for decades- environmentalism has a close association with Marxism/Communism.

Wash Post Editorial Board Denounces ‘De-Growth Communism’ – ‘Ending Growth Won’t Save the Planet’”, Marc Morano, Climate Depot, June 25, 2024


“Climate Depot founder Marc Morano at least credited The Atlantic for saying “the quiet part out loud” in comments to MRC Business. “Net zero in the climate agenda is really nothing short of Soviet-style central planning. Every sector of our economy is subject to long range planning to meet net zero goals.”

“Morano saw right through The Atlantic’s ploy to mainstream psychotic climate change fanaticism and underscored what the real agenda is:

““Every sector of our economy is subject to long range planning to meet net zero goals. This agenda is nothing short of the rationing of energy food and transportation in order to create chaos and give the government more Covid lockdown like controls. After all, what was a Covid lockdown but the governments’ attempt at forcing degrowth on the world. We have truly entered the era of climate communism.”

“The Atlantic: Is America Ready for ‘Degrowth Communism’? – ‘Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, & your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays’”

May 28, 2024


“The Atlantic – May 28, 2024: By Christopher Beam –Kohei Saito’s theory of how to solve climate change is economically dubious and politically impossible. Why is it so popular?

“Excerpt: The crazy idea is “degrowth communism,” a combination of two concepts that are contentious on their own. Degrowth holds that there will always be a correlation between economic output and carbon emissions, so the best way to fight climate change is for wealthy nations to cut back on consumption and reduce the “material throughput” that creates demand for energy and drives GDP.

“The degrowth movement has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles. The theory has dramatic implications. Instead of finding carbon-neutral ways to power our luxurious modern lifestyles, degrowth would require us to surrender some material comforts. One leading proponent suggests imposing a hard cap on total national energy use, which would ratchet down every year. Energy-intensive activities might be banned outright or taxed to near oblivion. (Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, and your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays.)

“You’d probably be prohibited from setting the thermostat too cold in summer or too warm in winter. To keep frivolous spending down, the government might decide which products are “wasteful” and ban advertising for them. Slower growth would require less labor, so the government would shorten the workweek and guarantee a job for every person.

“Saito did not invent degrowth, but he has put his own spin on it by adding the C word. As for what kind of “communism” we’re talking about, Saito tends to emphasize workers’ cooperatives and generous social-welfare policies rather than top-down Leninist state control of the economy. He says he wants democratic change rather than revolution—though he’s fuzzy on how exactly you get people to vote for shrinkage. This message has found an enthusiastic audience. Saito’s 2020 book, Capital in the Anthropocene, sold half a million copies.”


Why do they lie about most everything now?

“Why Do They Lie About Extreme Temperature Deaths?”, Kip Hansen, June 25, 2024


“In a recent News Brief I pointed out that the major climate alarm propaganda cabals [CCNow, Inside Climate News] would be flooding the main stream media outlets all around the world with the news that in the Northern Hemisphere, where the majority of humanity lives, it is Summer and summers tend to be hot….

““Heat is the leading weather-related cause of mortalities in the US, outpacing deaths from hurricanes by a factor of eight to one, and this summer’s record-breaking temperatures, worsened by the human-caused climate crisis, have led to fears a new annual high death toll will be set in 2023.” [The Guardian]

“Many mainstream media outlets are pointed to the NOAA data set “Weather Related Fatality and Injury Statistics”. And, there it is, irrefutable proof from a gold-standard source, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service, that heat kills far more than cold….”

But then Morano includes this data..

“Extreme temperatures kill 5 million people a year with heat-related deaths rising, study finds [The Guardian]

“Selectively quoting from that piece is common practice, despite the fact that there is a sub-headline that reads: “More people died of cold than heat in past 20 years but climate change is shifting the balance.”…

“More exactly: 9.43% of all deaths were related to non-optimum temperatures. Of the same 5 million, 8.52% were cold-related and 0.91% were heat-related. Again, over 8.5 percent of deaths are cold-related and only 0.9 were heat related — that is almost 10 times as many cold-related deaths than heat related deaths….

“Interestingly, during the 2000-2019 period examined in the study, while heat-related deaths rose, deaths from cold exposure fell. And they decreased by a larger amount than the increase in heat-related fatalities. Overall, researchers estimated that approximately 650,000 fewer people worldwide died from temperature exposure during the 2000-2019 period than in the 1980s and 1990s.”

“Bluntly, in the recent twenty years studied, about 650,000 lives were saved by the slow and steady warming of the climate 2000-2019….

“As the planet heats up, the number of heat exposure deaths increase and fatalities due to cold decrease. The rate of decrease in deaths owing to cold is faster than the rate of increase in deaths due to heat. And so on balance there then appear to be fewer temperature exposure deaths.”…

“Author’s Comment:

“There is overwhelming publicly available data and published in-depth peer-reviewed studies, published even in journals known for their pro-climate-alarmist bias, that establish that cold, low temperature, even moderate cold, kills far many more people than high temperature….

“But, rank propaganda is based on the simple process of repeating the same lie over and over and over until it is accepted as truth.”

He then includes the links for combatting the climate alarmism lies.


Climate Change Weekly: #510: International Climate Conference Debunks Science and Policy Consensus Claims, H. Sterling Burnett, June 28, 2024

“The Heartland Institute partnered with the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) and the U.S.-based Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) to hold a two-day climate conference on June 14-15 in Vienna, Austria. This was the 16th International Conference on Climate Change…

“An international group of scientists, including Nicola Scafetta, Ph.D., Willie Soon, Ph.D., Nir Shaviv, Ph.D., and Henrik Svensmark, Ph.D., discussed the role the sun and cosmic rays play in warming and climate change. William Happer, Ph.D., described the role that clouds play in radiation transfer. Roy Spencer, Ph.D., discussed the idea that temperature extremes are becoming more common. Taylor, Craig Rucker, and Nobel Prize laureate John Clauser, Ph.D., each discussed how climate alarmists and the media are lying, either directly or through omission of key facts, to promote the idea of climate emergency in need of a big government fix—and discussed ways to successfully debate and debunk their claims….

“To a packed house at the conference hall in Vienna, I (Taylor) set the stage for presentations by some of the world’s most accomplished climate scientists and climate policy experts. I explained how climate alarmism is a Trojan horse for the global left to consolidate money and power in global government institutions while depriving us of our most basic freedoms….

““No chance” was the key takeaway from a presentation by Dr. Will Happer. Happer and a colleague, W. A. van Wijngaarden, Ph.D., published a paper in 2020 showing the atmosphere has nearly reached its carbon dioxide saturation point. Carbon dioxide impedes the flow of longwave radiation to space within a specific spectrum range. At current atmospheric CO2 levels of approximately 420 parts per million, atmospheric CO2 is nearly saturated, meaning nearly all potential warmth retention from atmospheric CO2 has already occurred, such that additional CO2 emissions will have almost no impact on global temperatures…. That is good news for people worried about future climate change, and should end the debate about any future climate change crisis….

And this also from Climate Change Weekly- “Average and Peak Summer Temperatures Warmer in the 1930s than in Any 10-year period since”,

“Using data from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), 24/7 Tempo produced a ranking of summer temperatures by decade from June through September, for 1895 to present. They looked at the NCEI’s data for each summer month over the past 129 years, and averaged them by decade, pulling out the high temperature year in each decade….

“The data show that the decade of the 1930s—not either of the first two decades of the 21st century, which have been declared the hottest ever by climate alarmists—registered the hottest summers, and the highest average summer temperature by year.”

“The highest single year’s summer temperature was also measured in the 1930s: 1936, at 85.73℉. The second warmest single summer year was 2012 at 85.37℉; 1988 was the 3rd warmest summer year on record.”

Jordan Peterson interviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of the “bravest people alive”, and who, in her latest work, has started a foundation to make the case for the absolute necessity for the foundational assumptions of Western Society.

Around the 9-ish minute mark Peterson asks her what is behind all the insanity of today. What is this great “subversion” that she talks about. She responds that we have seen this before, this “cultural Marxism” in its varied new fronts that wants to bring down all the structures of Western society. So also, she states that Islamism wants to destroy the West more directly through terrorism. There is a collusion between the Islamists and neo-Marxists. Others have pointed this out, how they benefit one another even without some formal association. Others have also noted the Green/Red alliance of Marxism and Environmentalism to bring down Western industrial civilization.

The answer, as she argues in her book and forum, is the “Restoration” of all those Western ideas, structures, institutions that have protected freedom and all we value. Classic Liberalism or liberal democracy.

There has been interesting comment recently on the informal alliance between Islamism and Marxism today– whether formally intentional or unintentional. It could be more just the shared belief in similar goals- i.e. the destruction of Western civilization.

“How terrorists took over academia”, Jesse Kline, June 23, 2024


“The bodies of Israeli civilians who were slaughtered by Hamas were still warm when celebrations broke out on the streets of Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa on October 7. Almost immediately, National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), an umbrella group that co-ordinates its chapters at universities throughout North America, sprung into action…

““Over eight months later, we’re starting to understand who has been organizing and funding the anti-Israel campaigns on university campuses. The picture being painted is not of a grassroots, student-led movement to support the Palestinian cause, but of an intentional, co-ordinated effort to build support for Iran’s global terror network among western youth and those responsible for educating future generations.

“On June 15, the Post ran an illuminating feature on the history of the campus anti-Israel movement written by intrepid reporter Ari Blaff. As the piece details, SJP was started in 1993 by UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian… Bazian explicitly rejected a two-state solution, and instead bought into the nascent Hamas movement’s call for the total destruction of the Jewish state. He also skilfully adopted the language of the progressive left, framing jihadist goals in Marxist and social-justice terms designed to gain support within academia…

“There is now a wealth of evidence that the groups leading the student protests have ties with Hamas and other jihadi organizations that form Iran’s “resistance front.”” National Post

Good points here from Bari Weiss’ Free Press. This affirms the failure of immigration under multi-culturalism without a strong element of “assimilation to the Classic Liberal values of Western societies”. Note below the author’s comment on the relationship of Islamism with Western “Wokeism” and how Wokeism is enabling violence.

“Islamism Killed My Partner. Why Won’t the West Fight It?: My daughters have grown up without a father because of an ideology that Western politicians now often refuse to name”, Carine Azzopardi, June 18, 2024


“On the evening of November 13, 2015, I recorded a video of my partner, Guillaume, laughing and dancing round the living room with our two daughters, aged four and seven. Just a few minutes later, he left our apartment in eastern Paris to go to the Bataclan concert hall.

“A rock critic who wrote under the name Guillaume B. Decherf, he loved nothing more than good music, and was excited about seeing Eagles of Death Metal that night….

“But I was worried. A journalist myself, I knew that Reuters had alerted the public to the potential threat of Islamist attacks. And concert halls had long been considered targets: their sole aim—to give pleasure—makes them particularly offensive to jihadis. I warned Guillaume, but he was determined: he told me life must go on in the face of bigotry, and I would never have stood in his way.

“Two hours after he left, an alert popped up on my phone: “Massacre at the Bataclan.”…

“After Guillaume’s death, I needed to know exactly why he was taken from us. So I dedicated my journalism career to trying to understand the ideology of the people who killed him….

“I couldn’t stay silent. A couple of months into the trial, I wrote a column. “Ideology has an essential place in a terrorist trial,” I argued, “because terrorism is the choice to use violence in pursuit of a political cause, in this case Islamism.” I explained that the terrorists believed Islamic law should govern all public life, including in France. I said they directly opposed our country’s constitutional secularism, its laïcité (secularism)….

“(As one Muslim lady told her) “The laws of my religion supersede those of your Republic.”…

“Islamism is winning a global publicity battle partly because it has found an ally in a phenomenon that was born in America: a phenomenon we call le wokisme. For the last few years, I’ve been tracing the links between these two ideologies, trying to understand how wokeism, which purports to have noble aims, has ended up enabling violence….

“In the wake of October 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, massacring 1,200 and kidnapping more than 200, we saw how successful this rationale has been in shutting down the critics. Even in the face of this evil, the Western world seemed uncertain: Was this a terrorist attack, or a valiant act of resistance by an oppressed people? The West soon made up its mind, as demonstrators flooded the streets in cities across Europe and America calling for the destruction of Israel.

“The eagerness to defend Islamists in the U.S. is especially shocking…. Now, in the same city (New York), 10/7 is being used as a rallying point to support terrorists who have the exact same aims (as those who destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11).”

“Can America’s memory really be so short?”

This is a very interesting analysis of Trump by Jordan Peterson, psychologist. Not flattering but very interesting. I have felt the same, sort of a revolting personality at times but “necessary” for the world that we live in today??

Note his comment on “no wars… the Abraham Accords…” that are still holding up. Why no praise for these amazing accomplishments of Trump? Most people allowed media to infuse them with such hysterical Trump Derangement Syndrome (Orange Monster, Hitler) they could not do any sort of rational analysis as Peterson does here.

Richard Landes in his history of Marxism, Nazism, and environmentalism (“Heaven On Earth”) detailed how these apocalyptic alarmism crusades start to fail and the leaders, in desperation at the obvious looming failure, then refuse to acknowledge defeat and give up, but instead “double down” on their crusade, even shifting into the dangerous and violent phase of “exterminate or be exterminated”.

“Climate change craziness has a new target and it’s more shocking than ever: Having struck out with consumers, businesses and at the ballot box, green advocates are moving on to a shocking new tactic”, Stephen Moore of Creators Syndicate, June 30, 2024


“Things aren’t going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy over the past decade, the world and America used more fossil fuels than ever before in history last year.

“The electric vehicle movement is stalled out, solar and wind power are both still fringe forms of energy, and the green candidates got crushed in recent elections in Europe because voters are sick of the higher prices associated with green policies.

“So, having struck out with consumers, businesses and at the ballot box, now the greens are moving on to the courts….

“The end game of lawsuits against states and oil and gas companies for using or producing energy because of alleged damage to the environment could bring about abolition of fossil fuels through the back door of the nation’s courthouses.

“But what none of these judges or litigators take into account is the catastrophic economic effects of NOT using fossil fuels. As an example, the Left wants to abolish air conditioning, which requires electricity, which mostly comes from fossil fuels. But air conditioning saves tens of thousands of lives a year. What about the millions of jobs that would be wiped out with no fossil fuels? How many thousands of Americans would die in hospitals, or assisted living centers, or day care centers, or schools if the lights go out with no fossil fuel power plants?

“Fossil fuels have saved millions more lives over the last century than they take. They make Americans much richer and safer and happier and healthier and more mobile. Meanwhile, there is no evidence backing up the absurd claim by teenagers that if Hawaii stopped using fossil fuels, the state’s weather conditions would improve.

“Will judges take that into consideration when they try to rob Exxon and coal companies of their profits for the sin of making life on earth much better?”

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Sitesplainin on root contributing factors in human narratives and life

Sitesplainin (more on going to root contributing factors in human narratives and the outcomes in human lives): Wendell Krossa

I have no “scientific” reputation to protect or maintain. That does not weaken my respect for good science. But I am an “independent and generalist”, taking helpful insights from anywhere and everywhere, using personal criteria to evaluate the usefulness (or “truthiness”) of any given insight or bit of information. Sources are always provided here for readers to evaluate.

This site unapologetically engages “spiritual” issues and deity theories. These have always been central to human curiosity and the primal human impulse to meaning- i.e. to understand and explain existence, reality, and the why and purpose of it all. As curious beings, we “have to” explore the nature of ultimate reality, ultimate ideals, and ultimate purpose. So, speculate away. Just recognize what you are doing- i.e. what is fairly settled evidence and what is speculation.

Moving back to the point here on engaging the metaphysical/spiritual…

Note for example (our irresistible urge to probe the metaphysical), in Manjit Kumar’s “Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, And The Great Debate About The Nature Of Reality”, how repeatedly Einstein offered religious explanations in his responses to Neils Bohr. “God doesn’t play dice… God doesn’t use telepathy (quantum entanglement)…”, etc.

Einstein held traditional theories of God as some great intervenor and controller of all things, hence his “doesn’t play dice” comment. That misunderstands the essential and inseparable relationship of love to freedom. The “indeterminacy” of quantum mechanics points to this element of freedom.

Einstein resisted what quantum mechanics was uncovering because he held very traditional, very primitive views of deity which did not fit with his dated views of what reality should be. He could not let go of his “Old Man” deity and that is part of why, later in his life, he was sidelined by the physics community.

Einstein stated that one fundamental thing drove his curiosity- i.e. to know what “the Old One thinks”. He said, “I want to know His thoughts; the rest are just details”. Interesting also that he wanted to spend the rest of his life probing light, much like NDEs are centrally about Light.

But a critical qualifier to this point on “spiritual” or deity ideas: I part ways with the long history of religious theories of God. This site embraces “stunningly inexpressible no conditions love” as the singularly defining feature of God. The single most profound insight that humanity has discovered. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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It’s the littlest things that really matter the most, that reveal our true selves, and gain the most affirmation from deity

More on the real battle of good versus evil: Wendell Krossa

Today US Woke Progressives are presenting the latest example of how repeatedly across history people have abused and deformed the Zoroastrian (Zarathustra) cosmic dualism of good battling evil. This is daily illustrated in their derangement over the Orange Monster. As Michael Shellenberger and Jordan Peterson comment below, this liberal Progressive derangement rests on a self-conception among Democrats who “view themselves as children of light battling children of darkness”. (Yes, this is a “bothsideism” issue as following comments will point out.)

When we frame fellow human beings (opponents, differing others) as our “evil enemy”, then we miss entirely what the Hero’s Quest should be about. Our hero’s journey should first and foremost focus us primarily on the evil within each of us. For communications sake I oversimplify and summarize our inner evil as the inherited animal impulses to (1) tribalism (us “righteous ones” versus differing “evil” others), (2) domination (enlightened elites dominating and controlling ignorant commoners), and (3) punitive destruction as the “righteous justice” response to the imperfections and failings of others. The “evil triad” that illustrates the worst of the worst.

Insert: Just for illustration, note this guest of Joe Rogan (“Rick Doblin’s DMT realization about Hitler”) discovering his own inner evil from a DMT experience.

The struggle against these inner impulses is the real battle of life, the fight against the real enemy and monster in life. This battle takes place inside each of us. It’s intensely personal. Miss this and you have missed the fundamental point of human life and story.

We must first win this intensely personal inner battle and then we are better qualified to go out and fight public “righteous battles against evil” equipped with the mature human understanding and attitude that enables us to maintain our own humanity during the public struggles. Differing others are not our “enemies” but fellow members of the one human family.

Again, listen to these two sage commentators on this critical inner battle and how to understand and frame the public battles of life:

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on the real battle of good against evil that takes place inside us, “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either- but right through every human heart- and through all human hearts.”

Joseph Campbell: “For love is exactly as strong as life. And when life produces what the intellect names evil, we may enter into righteous battle, contending ‘from loyalty of heart’: however, if the principle of love (Christ’s “Love your enemies”) is lost thereby, our humanity too will be lost. ‘Man’, in the words of the American novelist Hawthorne, ‘must not disclaim his brotherhood even with the guiltiest’” (Myths To Live By).

New stuff

Scattered qualifiers and points on another “good versus evil” dualism…

“Collectivism” is perhaps the best general descriptive for its varied iterations across history in Robert Owen’s communalism, Marxism/communism, socialism, and social democracy or democratic socialism, etc. They are all forms of collectivism with its primary mission to eliminate the “evil” of private property (Marx) and to subjugate individuals to centralized control by enlightened elites who believe that they know what is best for all others- i.e. how to manage and control populations of “ignorant, unenlightened” commoners. Leftist elites sincerely believe that they alone know how to socially engineer all to become collectivist spirits who own nothing and are happy eating bugs. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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David Boaz: “Each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others.”

Main comment below: Watch how you interpret and use your narrative themes: Taking off from Michael Shellenberger’s point- “Beware fighting monsters- take care when battling monsters not to become one”, Wendell Krossa

The points of Nobel laureate John Clauser on climate are posted below in this opening section. “There is no climate crisis”. Thanks John.

Hope springs back with these courageous defenders of Classic Liberalism, liberal democracy.

“Argentina’s President Javier Milei Loves Being the Skunk at the Garden Party: A sit-down with the world’s first libertarian head of state”, Bari Weiss, June 6, 2024

Contrary to endless media propaganda, global natural disasters are not increasing.

“Is the number of global natural disasters increasing?”, Gianluca Alimonti, Luigi Mariani, Aug. 2023

Quote from Abstract of their report:

“The above result sits in marked contradiction to earlier analyses by two UN bodies (FAO and UNDRR), which predicts an increasing number of natural disasters and impacts in concert with global warming. Our analyses strongly refute this assertion as well as extrapolations published by UNDRR based on this claim.”

See also from Global Warming Policy Foundation press release of June 6, 2024- “New study confirms GWPF reports on declining climate disasters”. These links were included in their press release:

Further update from Michael Shellenberger- the war on democracy

“Blind Fury Drives Anti-Democratic War on Trump: Beware fighting monsters”, Michael Shellenberger, June 2, 2024

Quotes from Shellenberger:

“Ever since Donald Trump emerged as a presidential contender nine years ago, America’s most esteemed scholars and journalists have argued that he was violating democratic norms. Trump, they said, was ignoring the stabilizing, unwritten rules and values of American politics….

“But the Democrats’ relentless effort to imprison Trump has undermined the rule of law, faith in the criminal justice system, and democratic norms more than anything Trump has ever done….

“The case was so weak that both the Department of Justice and the former DA refused to prosecute it…. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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“Populism is democracy… the revolt of commoners against elites”, Winston Marshall

Other comment just below the opening essay:

(1) Two of the best on climate science- atmospheric physicists Richard Lindzen and William Happer ( Points made: The crusade against fossil fuels will cause massive human starvation. Atmospheric CO2 is now heavily saturated and more CO2 will have little warming effect. CO2 is essential to our food and to all life on Earth. Greenhouse gases prevent our freezing to death in a world where 10 times more people die of cold every year than die from warming.

(2) Anti-humanism in dominant narratives of today and the murderous call for another mass-death crusade- to cull the human population and thereby “save the world”. Examples: Paul Ehrlich’s “Let India go down the drain” (mass starvation). Or Paul Watson’s call to cull 85% of humanity. But not himself or his family.

(3) The dangerously totalitarian project to criminalize political opponents, critics, even comedians.

(4) Michael Shellenberger on the elite war on freedom, framed as a righteous battle to “protect democracy” by demonizing and blocking “populism”- the revolt of commoners against dominating elites. Populism being real democracy. (“Populism is democracy”- Winston Marshall in Oxford Union debate with Nancy Pelosi, )

(5) “Misinformation, disinformation”- buzzwords of our era to distort facts, demonize opponents, and mask censorship projects.

(6) Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn- discussions of the big issues facing liberal democracies.

Some more at the bottom of this opening section... (“Please, s’more Sir”)

(7) 2022 Nobel laureate John Clauser- “There is no climate crisis”.

(8) Jordan Peterson’s interview of Patrick Moore, one of the best on paleoclimate and “celebrating CO2”. Moore states that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that CO2 is having any effect on the temperature. Theoretically it might have a little bit, he adds, but it doesn’t show in the record that it has any significant effect.

These bluntly clear statements deserve wide circulation to combat the fallacies that (1) human emissions of CO2 are the “main contributor” to rising CO2 levels, that (2) rising CO2 is the main cause of climate change, and that (3) climate change is becoming an “existential crisis”. All outrightly false, or at least unproven/uncertain with strong evidence to the contrary. I would include, for added punch to counter the climate alarmism narrative that has profoundly distorted the true state of life, that a return to the 3-6 degrees C warmer temperature of the Eocene “mammalian paradise” of 55-33 million years ago would be a more optimal, natural, and net beneficial climate. It was up to 10 degrees C warmer during the Eocene and the oceans did not “boil” and the Earth did not “ignite on fire”. In fact, tropical temperatures varied only a few degrees (Javier Vinos on the “Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis”) and that “equable tropical climate” points to strong negative feedbacks that kept tropical temperatures within a range beneficial to life.

(9) Paul’s Christ myth has been mainly responsible for re-enforcing the primitive and destructive myth of apocalypse in Western narratives and consciousness. Historical Jesus presented the “stunning new theology of a non-retaliatory God, his greatest contribution to the history of human ideas”. Pardon my simple logic- If God is non-retaliatory, then God is non-apocalyptic. God will not enact the ultimate act of retaliation against human sin in a world-destroying apocalypse.

I am just affirming the central insight of Historical Jesus that is entirely contrary to Paul’s apocalyptic Christ myth.

(10) A report of research on scientific censorship: “Scientific censorship appears to be increasing. Potential explanations include expanding definitions of harm, increasing concerns about equity and inclusion in higher education…”.

(11) Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn: “The other thing that’s interesting here is that what you’re really seeing is a new Inquisition. Whatever they want to call it, what this really is, is a search for heretics and heresy… they are, I hate to say it, complete dangerous zealots, religious zealots made worse by the fact that they don’t think their religion is a religion. They file it under science….

“Walter Kirn: I guess my point is that under the cover of suppressing disinformation, they actually have created the biggest disinformation spreading machine of all time.”

(12) Jimmy Dore interviews the “Plandemic” documentarian and author- Mikki Willis.

And more…

“Death and rebirth, disintegration of the old and re-integration around the new”, Wendell Krossa

Note: I am not replicating exactly here what anthropologists and others have presented in terms of the shamanic experience as a schizophrenic-like breakdown, retreat inward, enduring terrifying experiences, then reintegrating around something new as in a rebirth. Or what others refer to as a “separation-initiation-return” process. This process has been framed by mythologists in terms of the “shamanic experience” as prototypical of human stories or quests.

Some sample commentary on this:

Rather, I am referencing the general element of transformation in our stories when we part ways with something wrong, harmful, a drag on our progress and then embrace something new, more helpful, and that inspires us to be the better persons that we all want to become.

What Joseph Campbell and others refer to as the “Shamanic experience” is useful to consider as essential to human experience, learning, development, growth and the ultimate achievement of mature humanity. The “death to all that is in the past and a rebirth to a new life” is an essential element of the hero’s quest to conquer a monster/enemy, learn the key lessons of life, to then tower in stature as maturely human, and to bring a boon/blessing to one’s community or to life in general.

Below is my outline of a disintegration/reintegration process that I would urge everyone to consider as vital to all our life stories or quests. This process is critical, uncomfortable as it may be, to the healthy development of human personality and a human life story. My focus in this is on the element of the fundamental themes, ideas, myths that have shaped human belief systems and worldviews across all history and across all cultures of the world. I draw attention to the powerful role in human life of the old narrative themes that have become archetypal in human subconscious. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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Two of the best (journalists/social commentators) Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn on Trudeau’s Online Harms bill

More is coming– I have slowed a bit in posting material here due to daily radiotherapy for aggressive metastatic prostate cancer. Appointments are in another city, usually in the middle of the day, so travel takes up lot of time.

I’ve been surprised at the normal tone of the waiting room conversations with patients expressing good humor, even joking, as we wait our turns to go in for radiation. One elderly man entered the waiting room the other day with a broad smile, stating, “Well, our fun place, eh”.

We hope our bladders are full enough and that we have no gas, both micro-offenses that get you sent out to either walk off the gas or drink more water and thereby rachet up the pee pot into the “dancing on the spot” pain of a full bladder. Walking off gas demands holding the full bladder till some rumble emits from the nether regions.

Another fellow traveller on this quest said with a smile the other day, “Look, if I gotta fart I’m just letting it go right here (in the waiting room)”. We smiled back with understanding affirmation- gotcha.

After an initial CAT scan to see how inner organs are lining up, the scan machine pulls back, and you lay still, waiting tensely for a minute or so as technicians in their outer room examine the results to see if they can go ahead with the radiation machine or need to come back in with the bad news that its walking time. They reassure us that we will thank them for being strict about full bladders and no gas. If not, the side effects are nasty diarrhea, painful peeing, rectal bleeding, and so on. A full bladder, for example, pushes the little intestines up and out of the way of inflaming radiation so as to avoid creating the diarrhea problem.

The radiation destroys healthy organ cells along with cancer cells. The healthy organ cells will recover but the cancer cells will not.

I joke with one fellow patient about his good fashion sense and taste in pants as we all wear the same brown pajama-like bottoms for our treatments. There is no other alternative. His wife hoots at the back and forth between us over our “haute couture”.

Also, some sad stories that express and highlight the mess that the Canadian health care system is, though the people working in the system are beyond wonderful for all they do, the help they provide given what they have to work with.

Trudeau, you gave tens of billions in subsidies to foreign companies for battery plants to chase your Net Zero fantasy that even the eco-zealots of Europe are abandoning because it doesn’t work (i.e. physics limits on renewable input due to natural factors, massive state subsidies to produce renewables, and consequent higher energy costs, destabilized grids, declining economies, etc.). That subsidies funding, adds unnecessarily to taxpayer’s already too heavy tax burdens, and it could have gone to medical equipment located nearer sick folk like the man who has to travel from Kamloops, a 3-hours journey, to get radiation treatment in Kelowna as he suffers bone cancer that is creeping painfully up his spine. Have some mercy, Justin. Get your priorities right.

Re your eco-zealotry- Listen to the best of atmospheric physicists like Richard Lindzen and William Happer ( who are telling us that the warming influence of CO2 is now “saturated” (a physics term re its limited operating range on the infrared spectrum) and any further warming, as with the recent past mild warming, will be caused mainly by natural factors. Further, there is no threat of a “climate emergency”. Point? There is no need to tax carbon or decarbonize our societies, a ruinous “salvation” scheme that is destroying our societies. Stop it already, eh.

Even the Greens of Germany have recognized that their decarbonization policies are ruining German industry and have backed off somewhat. Wendell Krossa Read the rest of the opening comment here

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18 of the worst, and 18 better alternatives- What shapes your narrative?

A reposting… Feel free to share this list anywhere… Revised, updated.

Humanity’s worst ideas, better alternatives, Old Story Themes, New Story Alternatives: Rethinking 18 of the most fundamental bad ideas from across human history, and presenting 18 alternative ideas to transform narratives, human consciousness/subconscious, and liberate the human spirit, Wendell Krossa

“Worst” because of the deforming influence of bad ideas on human thought, emotion, motivation, and response/behavior, notably in inciting and validating the base impulses to tribalism, domination, and punitive destruction of “enemies” or differing others (See comments of psychologists/theologians Harold Ellens and Zenon Lotufo in “Cruel God, Kind God” on the potent influence of “threat theology” beliefs in deforming human consciousness and personality).

(1) Old story theme: The myth of deity as a judging, punishing, and destroying reality that metes out final justice- i.e. rewarding the good, punishing the bad (i.e. threat theology affirming retributive justice). The myth of a “wrathful violent God” continues as the cohering center of the world religions and is now also given expression in “secular” versions such as “vengeful Gaia, angry planet, pissed Mother Earth, retributive Universe, and payback karma”- the new retaliatory, destroying gods of environmental alarmism, history’s latest apocalyptic movement. (Note: Western religious traditions have always affirmed violence in deities. Eastern traditions have similarly affirmed violence in deity as in “Lord Shiva the Destroyer”.)

The myth of God as a retaliating, punishing reality has long under-girded human justice systems as retaliatory and punitive. From early human beginnings, belief in a punitive deity has incited and validated the demand for punitive response to human imperfection and failure.

The primitive view of deity as punitive, i.e. God as the Ultimate Destroyer (via apocalypse, hell), is the single most important “bad idea” to engage and overturn. All other bad religious ideas are anchored to this foundational pathology in human thought, because deity has long functioned as the cohering center of human belief systems and narratives, and continues to do so today, even in “secularized, materialist” versions of theology/ultimate realities.

New story alternative: The “stunning new theology” that God (Ultimate Consciousness, Mind, Intelligence, Self/Personhood, Source, Transcendent Mystery) is an inexpressible “no conditions love”, a non-retaliatory Reality. The adjective “unconditional” points to our highest understanding of love. It is simply the best of being human and is therefore most critical for defining deity as transcendent “Goodness”.

Takeaway? There is no ultimate judgment, no ultimate exclusion of anyone, no demand for payment or sacrifice to appease angry deity, no need for redemption or salvation, and no ultimate punishment or destruction of anyone (no such mind-perverting horror as “hell”).

Why bother with these speculative metaphysical corrections? Concern for human well-being should include a response to humanity’s “primal fear of after-life harm” that is the personality-deforming outcome of millennia of shaman/priests/pastors beating bad religious ideas into human consciousness/subconscious. Fear of after-life harm adds intolerable sting to the already unbearable fear of death that many people suffer. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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Who do state elites/bureaucrats and mainstream media really serve?

Section topics:

(1) Tilak Doshi on the absurdity of the global warming narrative and lawfare to reduce CO2 emissions when 10 times more people die of cold every year than die from heat.

(2) Chris Morrison on the threat of mass-death if Net Zero is fully implemented in our societies. Fortunately, there are signs the decarbonization madness is falling apart as many realize the horrific damage it is causing.

(3) Danielle Smith (Alberta Premier) on the real cost of Net Zero (i.e. the battery storage issue).

(4) And a good discussion by Walter Kirn and Matt Taibbi on the exposure of the Woke Progressive bias at NPR by editor Uri Berliner. The NPR situation illustrates the same bias in most mainstream media that have abandoned true journalism to become loudspeakers for state propaganda.

(5) Richard Lindzen and William Happer on celebrating CO2.

(6) Discussion group posts on the Joe Rogan interview of Tucker Carlson- episode 2138 of JRE on Spotify. They cover some very interesting topics from aliens to elite control of government that has abandoned “consent by the governed”. Meaning, we don’t really live in liberal democracies any more. Add the comment of Carlson that most politicians are “terrified” of the intelligence agencies.

(7) A report showing changes in temperature precede increases in atmospheric CO2 and natural changes in CO2 far exceed human emissions. My conclusion- there is no good reason to tax carbon or decarbonize our societies.

(8) Bill Maher praises Ron DeSantis. Huh? Holy Moly, what is the world coming to? And more….

We hear the climate alarmism crusade described with terms like “lunacy, crazy, insane, absurd…” How else to define the irrational, irresponsible and dogmatic spirit that promotes this “profoundly religious movement” and its highly destructive “decarbonization” salvation scheme (to “save the world”).

Decarbonization is one front in a larger political, ideological, environmental crusade that is promoting “de-development, de-growth, de-industrialization, de-pretty much everything of progress in the modern world”. Advocating for a return to primitivism but only for the common folk (“You will own nothing, and you will be happy eating bugs”), while dominating elites continue their obsession with controlling and debasing all aspects of our lives. Ah, it takes the psychologists to analyze and unravel this elite lunacy- as in “the psychopathology of left-wing authoritarianism”, or “the narcissism of left-wing totalitarianism”, etc. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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The persisting evil of domination/control, the complex of “bad” ideas, and more…

New at bottom of this opening section: The impulse to domination in Christology (the transformation of common man Jesus into Lord Christ mythology- Brinsmead commentary), Martin Durkin on domination in climate class warfare, and musings from yours truly on this same issue of the base impulse to society-wrecking domination.

Why our hesitancy to purge our narratives/belief systems of the dangerous ideas that have, from the beginning of our history, incited and validated our inner inheritance of animal impulses? I give the nod to Solzhenitsyn’s point that the real battle of good against evil takes place inside every human heart, against what Campbell termed “the animal passions”. Most notably the “evil triad” of impulses to tribalism (exclusion of differing others), domination (coercive intervention to override the freedom of others, to control others), and destruction of the differing or competing other (punitive, retaliatory justice).

Our primitive ancestors, responding to the primal human impulse for meaning, manufactured ideas of deities (humanity’s highest ideal and authority) to validate the impulses and behavior that dominated their primitive existence. We excuse them for not knowing any better. But to continue affirming those same ideas/themes today is inexcusably irresponsible. And we see the same old outcomes of violence across today’s world.

The US military guy was right (during the ISIS eruption of insanity in Syria years ago) to state that you can destroy those violent groups with military force, but if you don’t go after the ideas that drive them you will only see more such eruptions of violent insanity. Hence, Hamas and Iran today.

See new material below on “Metaphysical bullshit”, apocalyptic and the challenges to the 2nd Law dominating the cosmos, and some Brinsmead “thought provokers”.

The Iranian attack on Israel brings to the fore, once again, a persistent threat to peace in our world. No, not primarily the actors involved in these “eye for eye” cycles, but the core ideas, themes, beliefs that deform human minds with tribal hatred and commitment to punitive destruction of differing others.

And this is not to deny the responsibility to take defensive action in the face of irresolvable commitment of attackers to extermination of differing others. Pacifism does not work, especially not in the face of religiously-inspired hatred that renders human minds delusionally oriented to irrational visions of apocalyptic millennialism.

Until we face head on and address the themes that continue to shape human narratives both religious and “secular/ideological”, we will not get to the root of this persisting problem of society-destroying violence. By avoiding the root contributing factors we only tinker around the edges. This is not to deny the importance of ceasefire and appeasement/settlement initiatives. They are critical in the short term, but they do not go to the root of the problem if we leave in place the very ideas that continue to deform human minds and lives, as they have across multiple millennia. Read the rest of the opening comment here

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