Category Archives: Uncategorized

Projection of our faults onto others, the exaggerated demonization of others as irredeemable evil

See recent report on climate by atmospheric physicists Richar Lindzen and William Happer below. “The common assumption that carbon dioxide is “the main driver of climate change” is scientifically false…. All Net Zero Actions Worldwide Should Be Stopped Immediately”. Sitesplainin … Continue reading

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Assessing Donald Trump- Jordan Peterson

Evaluating Donald Trump, Wendell Krossa Whatever you think of Donald Trump as a person, and even his strongest supporters over the past have told him to tone down the nasty Tweets and vengeful comments about his opponents. But nonetheless (distinguishing … Continue reading

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There are “Myths to Live By” (Joseph Campbell) and myths you don’t want to live by

See the comment below in this opening section on reviving Magna Carta principles to counter the excessive criminalizing and lawmaking trends of today (countering “moralizing busybodies”). Note: To doubters of the fact that the most primitive of ancient mythical themes … Continue reading

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Spanking conservative politicians- Become woke about climate and CO2

Why conservative politicians needed the spanking they got in Britain, Wendell Krossa Rishi Sunak, lost the election in Britain. He illustrates a significant mistake made by many conservative politicians over past years, including the otherwise brave Danielle Smith, premier of … Continue reading

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Sitesplainin on root contributing factors in human narratives and life

Sitesplainin (more on going to root contributing factors in human narratives and the outcomes in human lives): Wendell Krossa I have no “scientific” reputation to protect or maintain. That does not weaken my respect for good science. But I am … Continue reading

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It’s the littlest things that really matter the most, that reveal our true selves, and gain the most affirmation from deity

More on the real battle of good versus evil: Wendell Krossa Today US Woke Progressives are presenting the latest example of how repeatedly across history people have abused and deformed the Zoroastrian (Zarathustra) cosmic dualism of good battling evil. This … Continue reading

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David Boaz: “Each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others.”

Main comment below: Watch how you interpret and use your narrative themes: Taking off from Michael Shellenberger’s point- “Beware fighting monsters- take care when battling monsters not to become one”, Wendell Krossa The points of Nobel laureate John Clauser on … Continue reading

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“Populism is democracy… the revolt of commoners against elites”, Winston Marshall

Other comment just below the opening essay: (1) Two of the best on climate science- atmospheric physicists Richard Lindzen and William Happer ( Points made: The crusade against fossil fuels will cause massive human starvation. Atmospheric CO2 is now heavily … Continue reading

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Two of the best (journalists/social commentators) Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn on Trudeau’s Online Harms bill

More is coming– I have slowed a bit in posting material here due to daily radiotherapy for aggressive metastatic prostate cancer. Appointments are in another city, usually in the middle of the day, so travel takes up lot of time. … Continue reading

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18 of the worst, and 18 better alternatives- What shapes your narrative?

A reposting… Feel free to share this list anywhere… Revised, updated. Humanity’s worst ideas, better alternatives, Old Story Themes, New Story Alternatives: Rethinking 18 of the most fundamental bad ideas from across human history, and presenting 18 alternative ideas to … Continue reading

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Who do state elites/bureaucrats and mainstream media really serve?

Section topics: (1) Tilak Doshi on the absurdity of the global warming narrative and lawfare to reduce CO2 emissions when 10 times more people die of cold every year than die from heat. (2) Chris Morrison on the threat of … Continue reading

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The persisting evil of domination/control, the complex of “bad” ideas, and more…

New at bottom of this opening section: The impulse to domination in Christology (the transformation of common man Jesus into Lord Christ mythology- Brinsmead commentary), Martin Durkin on domination in climate class warfare, and musings from yours truly on this … Continue reading

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